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Mention some of the best websites or blogs to follow about technology?
in Internet by Newbie (280 points)

1 Answer

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There are several websites offer comprehensive coverage and reviews of the latest technology and gadgets. Here are some of the best ones:

  1. CNET: Known for its detailed reviews and coverage of a wide range of consumer electronics and technology news.

  2. Your technology advisor, provides detailed coverage in technology, gadgets and applications.

  3. The Verge: Offers in-depth reporting on technology news, gadgets, and consumer electronics, along with reviews and analysis.

  4. TechCrunch: Focuses on startup news, tech industry developments, and product reviews.

  5. Engadget: Provides news, reviews, and commentary on technology and consumer electronics.

  6. Ars Technica: Known for its detailed analysis and coverage of technology news, including gadgets, software, and hardware.

  7. Tom's Guide: Offers reviews, how-tos, and buying guides for various gadgets and consumer electronics.

  8. Gizmodo: Covers technology news, gadgets, science, and geek culture, often with a humorous twist.

  9. Wired: Offers in-depth articles on technology, culture, and innovation, including reviews of gadgets and consumer electronics.

  10. Digital Trends: Provides news, reviews, and guides on technology, gadgets, and consumer electronics.

  11. PCMag: Focuses on reviews and buying guides for computers, peripherals, and consumer electronics.

These websites can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends, reviews, and developments in the world of technology and gadgets.

by Silver (3.4k points)
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